The Aquarian Builders Collective or ABC was started by Christo in 2025. He grew up on the mean and busy streets of NYC, a third generation Builder who has been involved in the Building Trades for over 30 years. His specialties include design, project management, custom woodworking and blacksmithing. Christo later realized that living close to nature was a much healthier place for humans to thrive.
After spending 10 years living in more peaceful parts of the US. amd 7 years exploring other countries and native cultures, Christo realized the profound importance of self-care, self-love and holistic health. He became so passionate about sharing what he learned that he left to India to immerse himself a rigorous 6 month Ayurvedic training. Becoming an Ayurvedic practitioner he was determined to help people find their way back to themselves, back to nature.
Looking back Christo's journey throughout Europe and The Americas was focused on his study of the elements that bring about Harmony, in the relationships with ourselves, with other humans and also the relationship that humans have with the Earth. The other important aspect of his journey after spending time with some native American tribes in the US, was learning what makes communities thrive, Christo could see the stark separation present in society and was convinced that community is the natural way to live, as tribes did for ages. What he found was that humans did not regard their relationship to nature as sacred, that man was out of balance with the whole, man often lacks a reverence for the Earth and is in direct competition with his fellow man, both exploiting the Earth and one another for financial profit. In sacred relating we see God in one another and treat one another with this form of reverence.
Christo's work in this life according to human design and the Gene keys is to bring about Unity, to remind the collective what it means to be one mind and one Consciousness with a very simple but very profound inspiration to live in unconditional love, trust and reverence, with all beings and with our earth mother.
Our mission with this project is to bring together the light workers that will build and hold the sacred spaces for humans to realign themselves with the natural rhythms of the universe. The Aquarian age is about We, not I, and so when we come together in unity, these sacred spaces will naturally be born through us, we are magnetized to one another. What's important is that we live the truths that our ancestors knew so well, living in harmony with the Earth and taking care of self / one another, so that we cn model healthy relationships with our children.
These ideas need to be present in our everyday lives, otherwise this project would just be another modern day business, producing more of the same that you see in the world today, designed and built to be economical (Not Regenerative) and our structures would be quickly assembled without reverence for all life. Modern day structures lack the integrity that the Earth deserves, there's no reverence, we just take whatever we want without giving back, for all that our Earth Mother provides to us...man has an obligation and a responsibility to take care of the this planet, our home, leaving better than we found it not the reverse.
So in an effort to see the big picture we need to be conscious of all of our decisions, words, thoughts and actions. We need to be clean vessels living from our truths, from our hearts, creating from our gut, grounded at our root and then naturally being the example of joyful living for future Generations. This is what the Aquarian Builders Collective is about and our goal is simple to be the change in all areas of life and rebuilding the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth by creating sacred spaces for human beings to truly thrive and fall into harmony with self, other and the natural world.